How Does Tongue Tie Surgery (Laser Frenectomy) Work?

What Are The Benefits Of Our C02 Laser Frenectomy Technology?

Rather than using scissors or scalpel, we use a laser for all of our frenectomies at Thrive Latch, because of the following reasons:

  1. With Laser Frenectomy there is no blood, little-to-no pain, no sedation, and no stitches.
  2. The procedure takes very little time, often taking less than 30 seconds of laser time to release a tongue or lip-tie.
  3. The procedure may be performed as early as a couple of days after birth and can be performed into adulthood.
  4. The laser sterilizes upon touch, therefore the risk of infection is minimal, if any.
  5. Healing occurs quicker and without complications. The result is healthy, well-healed tissue with less chance of reattachment (relapse).
  6. Our CO2 laser is FDA cleared and American Made.
  7. Our CO2 laser frenctomy technology allows our pediatric dentists to safely and efficiently perform this minimally invasive procedure with predictable and instant results.



What Is A LightScalpel CO2 Laser?

The LightScalpel CO2 laser is a device that produces a concentrated beam of light. The highly focused CO2 laser beam vaporizes, cleanly and precisely, while sealing blood vessels at the same time. Years of experience in medicine and oral surgery went into the design of the LightScalpel laser, which was made to provide superior care for patients.

What Is Laser Surgery And How Does It Work?

Traditional surgery with a scalpel or scissors can bruise or crush tissue. When we use the LightScalpel CO2 laser, only an intense beam of laser light interacts with the tissue. There is no mechanical trauma to the tissue and the coagulation zone is very narrow (as little as 50 microns – almost the width of a human hair).

The CO2 laser has the unique ability to vaporize or ‘erase’ tissue. The CO2 laser can be used to make incisions, as well as to remove unhealthy tissue. Our laser is so precise that it can selectively remove only a few cells at a time if needed. At the same time, it is powerful enough to de-bulk the largest of tumors.

Are LightScalpel Laser Procedures Safe?

When used according to accepted guidelines by a trained practitioner, the laser is as safe as other instruments. You will wear special protective glasses, just like you would to protect your eyes from sun exposure.

How the Procedure Works

After listening to your concerns and conducting a comprehensive assessment, we’ll help you get to the root cause of the issues your child is experiencing. If a tongue- or lip-tie is the culprit, we’ll use a laser treatment for our frenectomies. We do not need to use sedation or general anesthesia for this quick procedure.


Using a state-of-the-art dental laser, we easily release ties in less than 30 seconds procedure, usually with minimal to no bleeding.


Babies are able to go to mom immediately following the procedure and nurse if needed. Kids typically can go play around within hours.


We’ll provide you with exercises to do at home to help get the best results. Then, we’ll follow-up one week after the procedure.